The future home of the jambo podcast

Welcome to the future home of the JAMBO Podcast. The acronym stands for Just Another Man’s Brilliant Opinion. Eventually, I’ll get off my ass and record direct to digital files the nearly insane ramblings of the most important man in your life right now as you’re reading this. But first, I must motivate myself to elevate myself to alleviate the pain and sadness I feel at losing so many brilliant openings to the ether. 

It’s me. Peter Brinkman, owner and CEO of Zomniac Media, LLC

I don’t claim to be 100% correct with my opinions, observations, and rhetorical musings, but I humbly submit I’m at least 99.999% accurate and not full of myself. I know I can be occasionally wrong, and as surprising as that may be, I don’t dwell on the failure, instead, I work that much harder to become the most intelligent man on the face of this or any other Earth. The only person capable of arguing their point counter to my point in any meaningful or constructive way, is myself. Yes, I sometimes argue the opposite point-of-view against myself. That may seem to most like psychosis, or some other mental condition, and I concede this may be true. But for now, my opinions stand firm, have been continually proven correct over many years, and have had the unmistakable advantage of gaining their birthright from my mind.